It's still not a good fit for completely unknown text (such as user input) but works best when you know vaguely what the largest amount of text you'll need to store is and set your circle size and font sizes accordingly. You can still break the bounds of the circle if you put too much text in or use words/unbroken text that are too long. You can uncomment the border colours on the container divs to see how it constrains.

Here is an example of some text in my circle. * Circle Text - the appearance of the text within the circle plus vertical centering */ * preserve 3d prevents blurring sometimes caused by the text centering in the next class */ * some position nudging to center the text area */ * Circle Text Container - constrains text area to within the circle */ * Circle Main draws the actual circle */īorder : 2px solid black /* can alter thickness and colour of circle on this line */ * Main Container - this controls the size of the circle */